Len Wein: SNIKT! You'll be missed.

Meeting Len Wein It was one of those moments I wish I was recording footage. One of my most favorite superhero characters of all time, Colossus, his co-creator passed away. Now don't get me wrong, Wolverine has done his share and then some. Maybe too much. Colossus didn't appear in multiple films, but something about that armored Russian spoke to me. A hard outer shell with the soft artist inside. Someone I could strive to be like. Len breathed life into that character and for one of those myths that connect with you, I finally had an idea of what it was like to have armor skin. It's that hero power that Len needed during his last days. He explained to me how he broke his neck. "I tripped. That's it. There was a fold in the carpet I didn't see and I landed on my head. They fused it (his neck) but I'm in a awful lot of pain now." Len was often seen holding his head but always found a way to genuinely smile fo...