Re: CROM and other ways to use profanity...
I really thought Conan 2 was Roy's Conan, not Howard's, but that was a huge improvement. My biggest problem with Conan 1 was that he was a slave for so many years. Howard's Conan became Conan by being free. Such slavery would have domesticated him, and Howard's Conan would have escaped and killed his captors or die trying. I'm short on time. I'll add more later if I think of something worthwhile to say. L p.s. Love the picture. Ahnold is so tiny! On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 7:57 PM, Chet < > wrote: First movie - something no Howard story ever was: slow and tedious. Filled with great scenes that were dragged down by nothing scenes, the movie left us feeling as if we had watched a series of still pictures. Dino always talked about how people would feel real emotions in his versions of movies. (Most notoriously with King Kong: the Expensive Error) We never felt any emotion in the first movie, even with the Belit swipe. The closest was a ...
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