Dear Friend, Most of my friends know my dad suffered from MS for decades. It affected his quality of life and ultimately indirectly caused his death. Fortunately, medical science has greatly advanced in its treatment of the disease since my dad was diagnosed and there's even hope of a cure within my lifetime. I've signed up for my second Walk MS—an event that brings together a community of passionate people to connect and raise funds to change the world for everyone affected by multiple sclerosis. I'd welcome your generous support as I prepare for my walk. Ending multiple sclerosis for good will take all of us. It’s why Walk MS matters so much. And it’s why I’ve registered.. I hope you will support my fundraising efforts with a tax-deductible donation. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is dedicated to creating a world free of MS, but they can't do it without our help. It’s faster and easier than ever to support this cause. Simply click the link below to visit my page and make a donation. Your donation will drive groundbreaking research, provide life-changing services and guarantee a supportive community for those who need it most. Together, we will end MS. Please support me by making a donation today. I greatly appreciate your support and will keep you posted about my progress. Click here to visit my personal page. If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address: Click here to view the team page for Service If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address: If you no longer wish to receive email messages sent from your friends on behalf of this organization, please click here or paste this URL into your browser: |